The treatment of IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) has been around for many years and has led to many successful outcomes. However, the fact also remains that there’s a lot of pressure and stress involved in the process. A lot of couples struggle to cope with the whole process.
In this article, our experts from IVF Center in Delhi will guide you through some of the possible effects that going through IVF might have on your mental health. Read on.
Here are a few psychological effects that may befall the people involved in the process of IVF.
The decision to opt for IVF in itself is a very tough process. It is one that couples face a lot of anxiety for. There are a lot of things to take into account for this process like – choosing the doctor, donor (if required), number of embryos to be transferred and more.
After the final step of the IVF process is completed, the people involved are required to go through a long wait for weeks. This waiting period induces fear, stress and anxiety in couples about the possible outcomes of the treatment. According to a lot of IVF center in Delhi, the stress and anxiety during this wait negatively affect the treatment outcome.
Failure of the procedure brings grief to the couples involved. This also causes a huge psychological impact on people. There’s always a possibility of having a miscarriage during IVF treatment. Scenarios as such lead to feelings of distress, anger and grief for the people involved.
In the majority of couples, studies have found that IVF treatment left permanent psychological effects. This is especially so for couples who have to survive through failed IVF treatments. The grief and guilt afterwards are difficult to put up with. A lot of IVF doctor in Delhi also have observed involved couples to get help from grief counselling.
IVF treatment leaves a great impact on both the involved partners as well. For instance, there could be pressure on both the parties from their families to go through with the process. Or there could be a feeling of guilt of one involved partner upon miscarriage.
It is very important that you prioritise your mental health and take counselling for coping with stress during and post-procedure. After all, having stress and anxiety during the procedure causes a negative impact on the outcome of treatment. Hence, it is important that you keep them at bay.
Reach out to our experts at Nandi IVF today to get a consultation about your IVF procedure! We are the best IVF Center in Delhi and believe in serving with compassion and care. If you are looking for affordable procedures then make sure to consider our services.