Acupuncture is the traditional Chinese discipline documented for more than 2,000 years and yet only in recent times has it been receiving increased recognition in the application of modern fertility treatments. Nowadays, more and more couples are seeking a little help with conception at IVF centre in Delhi because many of them have problems in trying to conceive.
This ancient technique involves the penetration of thin needles into several distinct points in the body to regulate the flow of energy, described as “qi.” Although its application was initially a form of overall health and well-being, research now says that one of the critical roles acupuncture can play in any individual’s health is in fertility health, especially when used with in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
Delhi is no stranger to cases of infertility, so couples can begin acupuncture combined with other forms of medical treatments for more probable successful conception. This article discusses how acupuncture may influence increasing fertility, in addition to its actual place in IVF treatments and what it contributes to the kind of couples on the reproductive roundabout.
The concept behind acupuncture is based on the balance of the body’s energy, which the practitioners think flows along pathways they call meridians. Disruptions in this flow of energy are thought to cause illness and imbalanced states.
Fertility is the key concern of acupuncture, which is devised to restore balance by hitting specific points in the human body that enhance reproductive health. These points regulate key bodily functions like hormonal balance, blood circulation, and stress levels. Here are some points:
Note: These points are located along the Ren Meridian, which runs along the midline of the front of the body, running vertically from the perineum (the area between genitals and anus)(Ren 1) up to the lower lip (Ren 24).
It is applied to women to regulate their menstrual cycle, enhance ovarian function, and increase blood flow to the uterus, thus building all those factors pertinent to the process of conception. Enhancing the thickness of the uterine lining can prepare the body for pregnancy and make it easier for the embryo to implant. In polycystic ovarian syndrome or irregular cycles, acupuncture may assist in restoring regular ovulation.
It can also be useful for men who incidentally have fertility issues. Acupuncture may improve sperm quality in terms of motility, count, and morphology. Thus, it will become a good treatment for couples with male factors being the cause of their sterility. Since acupuncture is holistic, it is commonly linked not only with the healing of the body but also with helping patients decrease other aspects of morbidity, such as anxiety and stress, which undoubtedly affect fertility.
Acupuncture, for instance, has gained so much popularity as it may supplement IVF treatment. IVF is very complex, it stimulates eggs in the ovaries, extracts them from the body, and then fertilizes them in the laboratory, and then transfers them into the uterus. Although IVF specialists in Delhi do give hope to so many infertile couples, it does come with not only emotional stress but also physical stress. In this aspect, acupuncture is also very instrumental.
Although acupuncture is given along with IVF for the majority of cases in IVF specialists in Delhi, its impact on fertility ranges far and beyond this condition. It should be a great aid to women who are not yet at the IVF stage but are trying to conceive through natural conception to help regulate hormonal imbalances and improve ovulation.
Scientists have managed to confirm that better motility and morphology of sperms are obtained after acupuncture sessions. These parameters play a crucial role in male fertility. Hence acupuncture becomes a treatment alternative that is always worthwhile for those whose fertility is compromised through male causes, be it solely or in conjunction with assisted reproductive technologies.
For people considering acupuncture as a route to fertility, it is vital to work with a licensed practitioner who specializes in reproductive health. In fact, numerous IVF centers in cities such as Delhi collaborate with acupuncturists who are experts in fertility treatments. In some cases, an IVF center in Delhi may even have acupuncturists on staff so that the patient can be treated with a bit of holistic care scaled to the needs of each patient.
The other factor is the time when acupuncture is added to fertility treatment. Most practitioners advise including acupuncture several months before actually starting IVF so that the body is prepared. Acupuncture can then be implemented throughout the IVF procedure and at optimal stages during the treatment, which includes egg retrieval and embryo transfer, so that it will be beneficial to the utmost capability.
Acupuncture has remained an effective supplementary therapy for patients receiving fertility treatments, including IVF. This implies a better blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulation of hormonal balance, and stress reduction can significantly improve the chance of conception through the practice of acupuncture.
It can provide an overall approach toward reproductive health management and thus increase the prospects of success in either natural conception or conception through medical support. Get guidance from an IVF specialist in Delhi on whether acupuncture can be used as a supplement to the existing fertility treatment plan.
Nandi IVF experts can help you understand the best course and maximize the chances of IVF treatment success. Schedule a consultation today!