Infertility is a condition that refers to the inability to conceive even after trying for years. Approximately 17.5% of the global adult population (one in six people worldwide) experiences infertility, highlighting the urgent need to increase access to affordable and high-quality reproductive care for those who need it. Also, the risk of infertility increases with age. For couples trying to conceive, the journey can be filled with frustration and sadness.
In this blog, we hope to provide comprehensive resources from IVF Specialists in Delhi to those affected by this issue. Also, we look forward to offering support and understanding to those on the path to parenthood.
Infertility is a condition of the reproductive organs that makes it impossible for a person to get pregnant. Anybody can experience infertility due to numerous causes. If you are under 35, your doctor may diagnose infertility a year after you have been trying to conceive. The first step in getting pregnant involves regular, unprotected sex.
If you’re over 35, your doctor can diagnose infertility when you face difficulty in conceiving even after regular, unprotected sex for 6 months. Infertility is more common than you think. Fortunately, there are a variety of IVF treatments in Delhi for people who want to start or expand their family.
There are many causes of infertility, including failed IVF cycles, but risk factors for infertility include:
First, your doctor will rеviеw your complеtе mеdical and sеxual history.
For pеoplе with a utеrus, thе chance of pregnancy is rеlatеd to thе ovulation of a hеalthy еgg. Thе tеsts that can help diagnose or rule out the infеrtility in women are:
The diagnosis of infertility in men usually includes healthy sperm production. Most infertility tests check for sperm problems at the IVF center in Delhi. The tests include:
Infertility treatment often varies depending on the cause and goals.
Mostly, only one person may need treatment, but sometimes, both partners need to participate in treatment.
Medicines, surgery, and assisted reproductive technology (ART) can help. Often, lifestyle changes or improving the frequency and timing of intercourse can increase your chances of getting pregnant. You can also contact an IVF doctor in Delhi for a combination of treatment methods.
Infertility poses many challenges and can be difficult when trying to start or expand a family. This can affect your relationships and emotional health. Smart IVF can be an effective infertility treatment to unlock your doors to becoming a parent. If you can’t get pregnant despite your best efforts, it’s time to contact your healthcare provider. Why wait? Discover your path to parenthood with Nandi IVF.
Our comprehensive infertility treatment offers hope and solutions to both men and women. Professional management, advanced technology, and compassionate support define our approach. Book your consultation today and let Nandi IVF put you on the path to becoming happy parents.