Are you picturing your future family but don’t have the resources right now to make that happen? Are you thinking about fertility preservation with your partner? In that case, you should have a clear picture of what it entails. Firstly, what is fertility preservation? This is the process of saving or protecting eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissue so that a person can use them to have biological children in the future.
Highly effective fertility preservation methods are now available to cancer patients who hope to conceive in the future, along with women who have put off starting a family due to later in life partnering or pursuing a demanding career.
Patients should consult with their doctor about fertility preservation as soon as it becomes clear that their treatment plan may include certain risk factors. This holds true for both men and women. Fertility treatments take time and planning, and treatment may need to be coordinated with other medical teams.
Semen preservation is critical for men who have cancer and will be treated with radiation and chemotherapy. After consulting with an IVF specialist, it is recommended that they preserve their sperm prior to undergoing these treatments. Male fertility preservation options include storing sperm for the future. Slow freezing and vitrification are the two methods for preserving sperm.
There are numerous options for preserving female fertility. Women’s fertility preservation options include egg stimulation, extraction, and freezing. These eggs can be frozen for several years before being fertilized to create embryos. The embryos can then be transferred to the uterus to become pregnant.
Millions of women who were previously unable to conceive can now become mothers thanks to advances in medical technology. However, many couples want to reach a certain point in their lives before starting a family. Every couple hopes to have a child someday, but with increasing age and a changing lifestyle, conceiving later in life becomes more difficult. This technology is available to all such couples who want to have children but cannot do so immediately after their marriage.